Kwanghyun LEE
Patent Attorney
Standard Essential Patent (SEP) · Commercialization · Licensing
Mr. Kwanghyun Lee is a representative patent attorney at Patent Firm Jimyung. Mr. Lee's professional experience encompasses a wide range of IP related experiences for patent prosecution, patent licensing, patent commercialization and Standard Essential Patent (SEP) activities at a variety of major research institutes and big techs in Korea.
Mr. Lee joined Jimyung as a founding partner patent attorney. Now he is focusing on patent commercialization services for public sector.
• Researcher, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT), 1994~1997
• Researcher, LG CNS, 1997~1999
• Patent Attorney, Lee International, 1999-2003
• Patent Attorney, Darae Law & IP Group, 2003~2006
• Yonsei University, B.E. in Electrical Engineering, 1992
• Yonsei University, M.S. in Electrical Engineering, 1994
• Patent Attorney, KIPO (Korean Intellectual Property Office), 1996